If there was an Awards Ceremony for 070707..

Which there isn’t (sigh), I would give all 13 an award and some private time on my lap in my van. In lieu of that, I suggest the following glittering prizes: Best chatwindow engagment – double tie Freeze/Flight/Fight AND Air Guitar; Best use of UpStage tools – the Old Hotel; Best use of minimalism – Come & Go; Best visuals – Babayaga; Best provocative text- Ophelia Machine; Best appropriation of avatars – Isis; Best eco theme – Misflight; Best children’s yarn – Rabbits; Best choreography – Interface; Best silencer of chatwindow – TuxedoMoon; Best surprising comic scene (the bags) – Please Stay Alert! Best use of theatrical pause and presence – Paraiso.

Cous cous, Titoxx



    Dear Tito,
    i heartily agree that all thirteen shows demand accolades of the highest order – what glorious artistic hights they reached! As an embedded cyberformance commentator, I enjoyed the rare privilege of witnessing the behind-the-scenes shenanigans during the build-up to the festival (soon to be revealed in what will no doubt be a best-selling bodice-ripping kiss-and-tell publication) and feel moved to offer the following awards:

    – the Weight Watchers’ Golden Tape Measure goes to Misflight, first for uploading the heaviest graphics ever uploaded to UpStage (over 12MB) and then for performing the most astonishing feat of weight reduction.

    – the Grand Saint’s Halo to ISIS (with Saint’s Sashes going to every one of the performers in every show) for Patience and Perseverence in the face of Lag, Sticking, Crashes and Other Technical Obstacles.

    – the Live Earth UpStaged award (personally presented by Madonna) jointly to the Tuxedo Moon Tribute and Air Guitar, for going beyond the superficial and demonstrating how cyberformance can overcome global warming by removing the need for motorised transport to rock concerts.

    – the coveted Phoenix goes to Ophelia_machine, for raising the dead and devouring the patriarchy. Special honorary mention to Come & Go for summoning the ghost of Beckett.

    – the Bloodied Knife Trophy (securely mounted in a glass case – do NOT break in an emergency) and a cheque for $10,000 goes to Igneous, for Freeze, Flight or Fight and Interface (and everything else … ).

    – the Amnesty International Special Award for the Betterment of Human Relations and Indigenous People’s Rights in Australasia goes to The Rabbits, along with a framed copy of the John Howard Memorial Apology.

    – the CIA, M16 and G8 Joint Award for Alertness Above and Beyond the Call of Duty goes to Please Stay Alert at All Times, along with a generous donation from the Lonely Bags Club.

    – the Silver Web Cam Trophy, and the Magic Pen Award, for Devising Despite Difficulty, go to The Old Hotel; plus complimentary breakfasts at building sites around the world for the next year.

    – 10,000,000 Frequent Flyer Miles have been donated to the Baba Yaga team by a consortium of international airlines, along with 5 star hotel accommodation for the rest of their lives and free massages from the Croatian Cyberformers Support League.

    – and last but not least, the Chocolate Madonna, generously donated by the International Miracle Workers’ Society, along with a year’s supply of free wishes, go to Paraiso for performing the necessary rites to ensure the festival went without a hitch.

    Which it did! What an increadible feat – congratulations to all involved!

    Veracity Utmost
    Embedded Cyberformance Commentator

    I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned the award I announced during your fantastic finale – the “Keep The Team Together” Award of $10 million dollars from the New Zealand government.

    New Zealand is at the crest of the knowledge wave and projects like UpStage are carrying us into the information future. Good on you, UpStage!

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