Support UpStage

Click here to donate via: Stripe or Paypal

If you would like to donate via another way, such as NZ bank transfer,
please email

Donate to UpStageUpStage is an independent not-for-profit art project, currently unfunded. The majority of the work is done by volunteers. There is no charge for artists to use UpStage, and all of the online performances and training sessions are free to participate in. However, we must still pay hard cash for hosting and domain renewals. We are eternally grateful to anyone who can chip in any amount, large or small, to assist us in covering these unavoidable costs.

You can support UpStage in these ways:

  • donate via Stripe, Paypal or directly into the bank account – contact us for further information.
  • make a regular automatic payment to support UpStage on an ongoing basis; contact us for further information
  • become part of the community – as a programmer or a performer; contact the team to get involved.

If you are a New Zealand tax payer, you can claim the tax rebate on your donation by donating via the Pandemonic Operations Trust, which umbrellas UpStage and is a registered charity with donee status with the IRD; just ask us for an official tax receipt for your donations (we send thank-you emails but don’t issue receipts unless you specifically ask for it).