Queen Margaret University (Edinburgh) are now using UpStage in their undergraduate Performing Arts teaching.
Cyberformance as a tool for Social Engagement

Queen Margaret University (Edinburgh) are now using UpStage in their undergraduate Performing Arts teaching.
The final performance in the Mobilise/Demoblise series is also part of Mur.at’s 25th anniversary celebrations.
As part of the Mobilise/Demobilise project we have produced three tutorial videos to show new users how to use UpStage’s on-stage player tools for the creation and presentation of their own cyberformances. The tutorials come with German, Swedish and English subtitles. You can watch them […]
On Friday 7th June, Petra Schmidt from CCT and Helen Varley Jamieson from UpStage presented the Mobilise/Demobilise project and rebuilt UpStage platform at the Eclectic Tech Carnival (/ETC) in Berlin. The /ETC is a gathering of feminist developers and artists who come together to share skills, […]
UpStage and Mobliise/Demobilise will be presented at the Audioblast Festival, Nantes, at the end of February.
During December 2023 and January 2024, members of Mur.at began to learn how to use their instance of UpStage, which is live at https://upstage.mur.at/. Helen gave a presentation, introducing UpStage and its tools – watch the video below. This was followed in January by a […]
Twenty years ago today, 9 January 2003, UpStage was officially launched in Wellington, Aotearoa/NZ, and online. Today we celebrate this auspicious artistic anniversary with parties in UpStage!
On 9 January 2024 we celebrate 20 years of UpStage!
The result of practical research for the MA in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies at NOVA University Lisbon, The Backyard of Strange Creatures explored the union of cyberformance with media generation by Artificial Intelligence software. It was presented twice, on 6th and 7th December 2023 […]
Documentation of a presentation introducing the new UpStage.