Milestone Reached!

I am thrilled to announce that we have completed our first major milestone. Specifically, we have what we consider to be a prototype that demonstrates the vision of the new software and are ready to start developing in earnest.

Full details of what the prototype includes can be found on Github here.

I’d like to once again thank our team for their hard work and dedication. You have shone over the months, going above and beyond to meet deadlines.

Going forward, our focus will be on building out features and increasing stability. It is vital that we provide our artists with a rich set of reliable tools for their upcoming showcase.

Our next major milestone is due for completion on March 15. This milestone is titled ‘Feature Complete’ and will mark a point in time where we can say to our artists “This is what you’ll have to work with”.

UpStage dev team 2021
The dev team admiring UpStage on a mobile phone.


Paul Rohrlach

Paul is a New Zealand technology professional currently based in Toronto, Ontario. He has been a member of the UpStage community since February 2010, having joined the UpStage project during his senior year at AUT University.

Paul served as UpStage's tech lead from January 2011 to December 2021 and is now a regular contributor and advisor to the project.