Developers’ Update 14 August 2017

As a continuation of the limelight project, the blog posts will now be posted every 3 weeks and individually by each team member. The current team (Joe & Kit) has played a heavy part in the previous update (with Jason), but from now on, we hope a clearer sense of progress can be seen.

Since the previous update, I’ve made progress in the “Audio” tab. The layout has changed so that all sounds assigned to a stage are shown in the audio tab, and when clicked, play for all members within the stage. Currently only .wav files are confirmed to be working, but the team plans on allowing mp3 files to play too.

I also removed unnecessary white space, tabs, panes as well as the “play all” button. Previously the button didn’t do anything, so the team has decided to set it aside for potential inclusion in the platform later.

I’m happy with the progress, but I hope the mp3 bug can be solved soon.



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