After 101010 …

The 101010 UpStage Festival is over! Audiences from Peru to Portugal, from Vancouver to Vietnam, tuned in over a 21-hour period to watch a diverse range of innovative cyberformances presented by more than 50 artists from around the world.

The festival ran almost according to schedule (despite some unexpected technical problems) to a very enthusiastic and receptive audience. Comments in the audience chat included people who were impressed by the level of development in the work since 090909 as well as interaction with and feedback about each performance, questions about the technology or the content, and audience identifying their locations, times and weather.

There were nodes at the 12 scheduled sites and two spontaneous nodes took place, one in Vancouver and the other in Milwaukee. At our first ever outdoor node, Le Petit Versaille in NYC, participants enjoyed a barbecue and live musical interludes as well as the 101010 performances.

Huge thanks to everyone who made 101010 possible: the curators (Helen Varley Jamieson, pictured at right during the early hours of the festival; Vicki Smith; and Dan Untitled); the sponsors (Creative New Zealand; AUT: and CityLink); the RL access node hosts; the reviewers; the friends and family who kept the artists and organisers fed and watered; and especially the great audience who were enthusiastic and active with their input throughout the festival.

And the biggest thank you goes of course to the wonderful artists, who presented cyberformances that were innovative, experimental, energetic, poetic, funny, mesmerising, intriguing, magical, political, provocative, colourful, contemplative, loud, quiet … the enormous amount of time, effort and imagination that went into making these shows gave amazing results!

Right now everyone needs a big rest, but we will be adding documentation here as we can. We hope to bring you some repeat showings very soon, plus the one performance which was unable to play due to the technical problems on our server. Sign up to the UpStage Announcements list to get email notification of upcoming shows!