The final performance in the Mobilise/Demoblise series is also part of’s 25th anniversary celebrations.
Mobilising for 25 years of

performances taking place in UpStage
The final performance in the Mobilise/Demoblise series is also part of’s 25th anniversary celebrations.
UpStage and Mobliise/Demobilise will be presented at the Audioblast Festival, Nantes, at the end of February.
The result of practical research for the MA in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies at NOVA University Lisbon, The Backyard of Strange Creatures explored the union of cyberformance with media generation by Artificial Intelligence software. It was presented twice, on 6th and 7th December 2023 […]
Meta Theater #Digital’s “Open Improv UpStage” has received a comprehensive review in the Suddeutsche Zeitung.
Teater interAkt perform ReMove at Malmö II Community Biennal, Friday 26th November at 16.30 CET, at Barnens scen and UpStage!
The new UpStage platform will be launched at the Mobilise/Demobilise festival, which takes place online over the weekend of 15-17 October 2021.
The newly mobilised UpStage platform will be launched with a festival of cyberformance exploring the theme “mobilise/demobilise” 15-17 October 2021. Times and live links are available on Mobilise/Demobilise began as an artistic response to a world of increasing conflict, crisis and emergency, before Covid19 […]
What moves you? What stops you? These questions began and ended the first of two work-in-progress presentations of Mobliise/Demobilise, at the Bodies:On:Live festival at the end of June. We invited the audience to respond, which they did very enthusiastically, and used the live text and […]
The public get their first sneak preview of the new UpStage platform in June: there will be work-in-progress presentations and two UpStage workshops at the Bodies:On:Live festival.
Just how many people have engaged with UpStage since it was launched in January 2004? We add up some of the numbers …