Securing our streams in beta release 0.8.0

R17-2021Today the UpStage development team released version 0.8.0 of the UpStage software, which includes securing streams via QR code generated IDs and fourteen other distinct bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Securing the streams is an important step, to ensure that our streaming server isn’t access by unknown persons and used to send streams for purposes other than UpStage performances. Only logged-in players can access the QR codes, and they have an expiry date. Currently the codes have been tested using Larix Broadcaster (an mobile phone app for sending a stream) and OBS.

The other issues closed in this release include improvements to the on-stage audio tools, the recording and replay feature, backstage management interface enhancements, mouse-over tool-tips and some bug fixes. There are some new icons in the on-stage tools, and an important change to the drawing tool: it’s now possible to have “live drawing” or “object drawing”. “Live drawing” means that the audience sees the drawing appear as the player is drawing it. This is how drawing worked previously in UpStage. “Object drawing” allows you to save a drawing which can then be manipulated on stage as a prop or avatar – resized, moved, rotated, etc.

Now the testers and Mobilise/Demobilise artists are familiarising themselves with the new features, while the developers turn their attention to milestone 9-A9 which is scheduled to release on September 12th.