Review of UpStage workshop

Two UpStage workshops were held recently at the Bodies:On:Live festival, offering a sneak preview of the new UpStage platform to those who registered in time – both workshops were fully booked several days in advance. The participants were mostly coming from physical theatre backgrounds, with little or no experience of cyberformance – and both groups were very engaged and inspired by the possibilities UpStage offers.

Száva Szántó, one of the festival volunteers, participated in the second workshop and has written about it here. As a young person who has grown up with the internet and social media, she recognises the unique opportunity offered by UpStage – to experiment, play and create with fellow theatre makers around the world.

The next chance for you to get a taste of what’s coming in the new UpStage will be during the festival weekend, 24-27 June, when two works-in-progress will be presented in UpStage. Registration is required and places are limited! Click here for more info.

UpStage workshop at Bodies:On:Live