Developer’s Update 22 August 2018 – Hamish

Hi everyone!

We’re the 2018/19 UpStage AUT Development Team. Our team consists of Jialing Liu(Sam), Tsz Fung Ho(Isaac) and Hamish Maritz. We’re all third stage students at Auckland University of Technology and are at Stage 1 of our Research and Development Paper. Sorry for being a bit quiet on the Developer’s Update over the last couple weeks! We have just completed our Project Proposal for what we intended to work on with UpStage, our goal for our Stage 1 is to improve the Limelight Platform. Currently the Limelight platform contains quite a few bugs that need resolving to continue development on the new platform.

We are currently up-skilling in the required programming language for the Limelight platform and have found it to be incredibly rewarding and incredibly frustrating! As a team, we really enjoy learning and having the chance to work on such a fantastic platform that is UpStage is something that we think rocks! We can’t wait to keep everyone updated with our progress and will be constantly updating the Developer’s Update with our progress.


Thanks so much to Helen, Vicki and Paul for letting us work on UpStage!

Hamish, Isaac and Sam.

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