11:11:11: initial call-out to nodes

This is an initial call-out to anyone who may be interested in hosting a “real-life access node” for the 11:11:11 UpStage Festival (11 November 2011).

RL (real life) access nodes are held in conjunction with the UpStage festival to provide venues for proximal audiences around the world. A node is a physical venues that hosts screenings of sections of the festival. In the past, these venues have included galleries, museums, theatres, university lecture rooms and public libraries, located all over the world (usually it’s a space that’s open to the public).

Hosting a node for the UpStage Festival is not difficult, and it can be an innovative & fun addition to an organisation’s existing programme or a great one-off event. Detailed information about hosting a node is available here, and there is information about specific past nodes on the pages for each festival.

Node at Le Petit Versaille, NYCIt is up to individual nodes to choose the hours that they operate and how they do it; some nodes have combined the UpStage festival with other live events, incorporated it into an exhibition, held a barbecue for the proximal audience, invited someone to give a presentation, had the artists from a show present, or simply screened it in a gallery situation for passing visitors. You can choose the format that is appropriate for your context, and we are always open to new ideas.

We don’t have any funding (donations welcome!) but we offer an exciting programme of diverse innovative shows by artists from around the world, a lively online audience, and overall publicity for the festival which includes the nodes. In the past, nodes have promoted the event through their own channels, such as their organisation’s web site and mailing list, and in some cases print material as well. We can provide logo, images from the shows and text copy, & pdfs of posters with background information to UpStage and the festival for you to print out & display.

If you’re interested in hosting a node for the 11:11:11 UpStage Festival, please email info@upstage.org.nz. Thanks!