
090909 Schedule Announced

090909 UpStage Festival Preview from UpStage on Vimeo. The schedule of performances for the 090909 UpStage Festival has now been announced – check it out here. All performances have a link to find your local time. download the full media release here (PDF) information about […]

UpStage V2.1

Recently the public UpStage server was updated to version 2.1, and now at last the updated 2.1 User Manual is available; this release includes a number of small bug fixes and some new functionality. But the major development with this release is the creation of […]

Telemuseum workshop

An UpStage workshop was held at the Norsk Telemuseum with 12 enthusiastic students. The Telemuseum was a node for 080808 and will be a node again for 090909 – and hopefully there’ll be a performance or two from the workshop participants as well.

Cyberformance workshop at Machine Divas

Worklab mit Helen Varley Jamieson. Sprache: Englisch. Anmeldungen bis 14.7.2009 unter 23. 7. Um 20:00 Uhr: Cyberformance mit Helen Varley Jamieson, Suzon Fuks (AUT, remote) und den Teilnehmerinnen des Workshops. BesucherInnen können sich auch via Webbrowser online an der Performance beteiligen, der Link wird […]