UpStage was generously given a free full-page ad in the first issue of the new Libre Graphics Magazine, published in November 2010. The magazine, which is available to download or to purchase as a very nicely presented hardcopy, is produced by members of the Libre […]
Open walk-throughs: Tues/Wed., 8/9 March
The next open walk-throughs in UpStage will be held on Wednesday 9 March: => 9am NZ time (find your local time here) => 9pm NZ time (find your local time here) These sessions are the start of preparations for the 111111 UpStage Festival. There will […]
Call for Proposals: 111111 UpStage Festival
The official call for proposals for performances for the 111111 UpStage Festival opens on 11022011 (today) with a deadline for proposals of 11 April 2011.
Something unique and quite wild …
Alexa Wilson writes about her experience of collaborating online with Cat Ruka to create Die Totezone for the 101010 UpStage Festival. The process of working with the Upstage 101010 format and presentation for me as a performance artist from NZ based in Berlin collaborating with […]
a taste of 101010 …
See more in the 101010 Preview Trailer.
101010 UpStage Festival Preview
Starting at 8pm New Zealand time on Sunday 10 October (find your local time here) the 101010 UpStage Festival will run for approximately 20 hours and features performances by artists from around the world. The full schedule will be published here in the next day […]

World X was a virtual exchange project using UpStage, between a group of young people from Eltham Hill Secondary School in London, England, and from Westland High School, Hokitika, Aotearoa/New Zealand. It took place in the first half of 2004.