
All bold times given are New Zealand time on Saturday 7 July 2007. The times in brackets are local times for performers. To find your local time for a particular show, follow the links and choose your location from the drop down menu.

There will be live links to each stage from this page 15 minutes before performance time.

Note – this schedule is still subject to change.

2.30pm: The Rabbits
(Australia QLD: 12.30pm; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: approx 15 mins

3pm: Misflight
(NYC: 11pm Friday 6th; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

3.30pm: Freeze, Flight and Fight, or main reactions to rejection
(Australia QLD: 1.30pm; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

4pm: Paraiso
(Montreal: 12 midnight Friday 6th; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

6.30pm: Interface
(Australia QLD: 4.30pm; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: 15 minutes

7pm: Please stay alert at all times
(UK: 8am, Netherlands: 9am; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

7.30pm: Freeze, Flight and Fight, or main reactions to rejection
(Australia QLD: 5.30pm; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

8pm: Come & Go
(UK: 9am, Finland: 11am; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: 2 min 30 secs

8.30pm: the old hotel

(UK: 9.30am, Australia QLD: 6.30pm; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

9pm: Babayaga

(Croatia: 11am; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: 52 minutes (sorry!)

9.30pm: ISIS: for my mother
(Germany: 11.30am; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: under 5 mins

10pm: Ophelia_machine
This performance contains strobing graphics and adult content.
(UK: 11am, Netherlands: 12 noon; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

10.30pm: Learn to Hear Through the Lies of Your Eyes: The Cyberforming Hybridization of Tuxedomoon
(Serbia: 12.30pm; find your local time)
Dial-up load time: approx 5 minutes

11pm: The Best Air Guitar Album in the World Vol. II
(find your local time)
Dial-up load time: not tested

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