It’s time to go, 1.0!


We are thrilled to announce that today, 26 November 2021,
we have officially released version 1.0 of the New UpStage!

This is the version that will now go out into the world and be installed on other servers, for all aspiring cyberformance artists out their to not only create their own performances in UpStage, but to create and customise their own UpStage online venue as well.

Rebuilding and “mobilising” UpStage, as part of the Mobilise/Demobilise project, has been an incredible journey that started back in July of 2020. It has been achieved by a talented and dedicated group of designers, developers and artists – in particular huge thanks to developers Paul Rohrlach, Gloria Wllisden and Nguyen Hong Phat; and interface designers Elisa de Castro Guerra and Riad Salameh. Thanks also to all of the artists who have been testing, bug hunting, making suggestions for improvements and making cyberformances!

If you are interested in the code, you can get it here; and if you’re interested in learning more in general about UpStage, please join our announcements mailing list.

UpStage dev team 2021