UpStage Open Walkthrough

For those of you waiting in anticipation while we moved servers, pushed through some new code and plotted next steps…
FINALLY the next UpStage walkthrough will ;

  •  be next Tuesday 2nd August 6pm NZST – New Zealand Standard Time
    – find your local time
  • look at the operation of the interface; avatars, audio, drawing and discuss streaming and online performance possibilities
  • and be an opportunity to meet some regular users and the new team of student developers

join us at

The open walkthrough is free and is open to anyone who is interested creating their own cyberformances in UpStage, or generally interested in UpStage. To register and receive a guest log-in, email

UpStage is accessible via a standard web browser with the Flash player plugin, and via standard domestic internet connections (note: it does NOT work on mobiles and tablets). If you are attending the walkthrough from behind an institutional firewall, such as a university network, please check beforehand that the firewall allows access to UpStage. You can check this simply by from the institution’s network; if you see a chat window on the right of the screen then it’s all fine.