Book launch: Political Cyberformance: The Etheatre Project

9781137577030.inddA new book about cyberformance will be launched in Cardiff, Wales on 26 April. Political Cyberformance: The Etheatre Project, by Christina Papagiannouli, examines the use of Internet platforms as theatrical, rehearsal and performance spaces and explores the interactive and political potentials of online theatre, questioning the boundaries of these in-between spaces and the spatial experiences they engender. It is published by Palgrave McMillian and can be ordered here.

etheatre2-300x176Christina and her Etheatre project have been involved in UpStage for many years, presenting cyberformances at the 11:11:11 and 121212 festivals, and at the 10th Birthday in 2014 (screengrab at left). She has participated in We have a situation! and Water-wheel Tap, and is currently part of the team developing a funding proposal for the next-generation cyberformance platform.

The book will be launched at the University of South Wales, where Christina is a research assistant and part-time lecturer, with guest speaker Helen Varley Jamieson. For more information about the launch, click here.


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