Installing UpStage from scratch

Martin Eisenbarth, one of our wonderful volunteer developers and creator of the new DownStage engine in development, has written an article about how to install UpStage on a web server:

It seems like being kind of dif­fi­cult to get the UpStage server appli­ca­tion up and run­ning on your own server, so here you find instruc­tions and hints how to install and con­fig­ure it from scratch. This arti­cle refers to the lat­est sta­ble ver­sion, at the time of this writ­ing it is 2.1. But it should essen­tially work for the 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 ver­sions too. UpStage is meant to be run on Linux (although with some effort it might also run on Win­dows or MacOS X, see the unfin­ished UpStage Fork).

Read the rest of Martin’s post here.

If you just want to use the UpStage client with a web browser you do not need to install any­thing and you will not find much use­ful infor­ma­tion here, instead please visit the com­pre­hen­sive UpStage user man­ual.