Global Locations for 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance

Thirteen locations around the world from Wellington to Buenos Aires will be hubs for a unique international performance event, the 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance, taking place from 5-12 December.

The festival features more than 100 artists from around the world presenting online performances in real time and culminates in a 27-hour marathon event on Wednesday 12 December (and crossing into Tuesday 11 and Thursday 13 December depending on time zones).

While all performances are accessible online and free to attend, “real life access nodes” provide opportunities for audiences to come together and experience the festival in a group.

This year there are 13 nodes confirmed so far, with locations in Eindhoven, The Netherlands; Coimbra, Portugal; Munich, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Oslo, Norway; Pancevo, Serbia; Montpelier and Nantes, France; Hostebro, Denmark; Amherst, Massachussets, USA; Linz, Austria; and Wellington and Christchurch in New Zealand. Each node operates at differing times according to their own schedules.

Click here to download the full media release; there is also a Spanish translation.