Call for participation to SPRINKLER FOUNTAIN


We* are seeking participation to our cyberformance “SPRINKLER FOUNTAIN”, scheduled twice in the 101010 UpStage Festival.

Please send your stories, sound, music, photos, videos ABOUT WATER that you are happy for us to use, and come to the performance to see/hear how they are used and to interact with us.

Send your material as soon as possible (deadline: September 24) to If you need more info, don’t hesitate in contacting us by using the same e-address.

The Sprinkler Fountain is a springboard to the VIRTUAL FOUNTAINS project, which will offer an online creative platform (THE WATERWHEEL – ready early next year) for people interested by WATER at all levels.

If you know other people who would be interested, please can you forward this. Thanks!

*Suzon Fuks (Brisbane Australia), Miljana Peric (Belgrade Serbia) and Tara Rebele (Richmond USA)

NB: if you can’t contribute to the SPRINKLER FOUNTAIN before the festival, just turn up at the fountain on the day and be refreshed!