Nice Girls?

Event Details

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“Nice Girls?” is a conversation between poetry and live text animation that problematises social expectations and behavioural concepts. As women we are trained to be nice, to pacify, to soothe; and to avoid conflict, even when this may not be a path to resolving it. Annie Abrahams and Helen Varley Jamieson’s inner rebels rise up and search for peace within conflict and poetry within paradoxes.

The performance takes place on Thursday 19 September 2024 at 20:15 CET as part of the Internationales Frauen* Theaterfestival in Frankfurt, Germany, and online.

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The performance is inspired by and draws from Annie’s recent book Being Human . een bloemlezing . an anthology, as well as from a presentation she gave in 2005. During the performance audiences will be able to respond to and comment on Annie’s text and see their words incorporated into the performance.

Nice Girls?