Open Walk-thru – April 5-6 2010

The next open walk-through in UpStage will take place on April 5th or 6th, depending on where you are in the world. If you’re in Western Europe it will be 9pm on Monday 5 April; if you’re in New Zealand, it will be 7am on Tuesday 6 April. Find your local time here.

This walk-through is for anyone who is submitting a proposal to the 101010 UpStage Festival, but doesn’t yet know much about how to use UpStage. The deadline for festival proposals is 31 March, but if you are going to come along to this walk-through we will extend the deadline until Friday 9 April so that you can learn about UpStage and then make your proposal.

To participate in the walk-through, email and ask for a guest log-in.