Session for 070707 performers to get feedback on how their shows are developing, learn about the UpStage tools, and discuss any problems that they may have. We’ll meet on the Swaray stage and spend the first half hour going over the basics for those who […]
070707 – rehearsals underway
The call for performances for 070707 UpStage Festival has now closed, and 14 performances have been selected. The performances will be created and performed by artists from New Zealand and around the world, and cover the spectrum from childrens’ stories to cybersex. The draft programme […]
Matchmaking & training
This is another “matchmaking” session for 070707 collaborators; we’ll also be going over the basic operations of UpStage and talking about what other training needs the 070707 performers have. The event is on Tuesday 24 April at 9pm Central European Time – find your local […]
070707 UpStage Festival
A festival of performances in UpStage, to celebrate the release of UpStage 2. The programme and times are now online, and information about the performances and artists.
Launch of UpStage 2
UpStage 2 was officially launched on 28 June 2007, with an event at the NZ Film Archive, Wellington, NZ. This event also opened an exhibition that will run until 15 July, and incorporate the 070707 festival of performances in UpStage. Photos from the launch.
ISEA Swaray
The latest ADA Swaray, held on 10th September, was an opportunity for NZ artists who had attended the recent ISEA festival to report on their experiences and have a virtual get-together. It was also the first showing of the work done on the software by […]
UpStage receives Digital Strategy Funding Boost
UpStage has received funding through the NZ Government’s Digital Strategy’s Community Partnership Fund. The grant will subsidise “phase 2” development of the software and community workshops, enabling communities to create their own content for the online medium. Read the full media release (PDF, 64KB).
AUT Students Take on UpStage
Four final-year computer science students at Auckland University of Technology have chosen UpStage as their major group project for the year. They will work on improvements and enhancements to the software, which will be greatly appreciated by the UpStage project team and everyone who is […]
2005 Summary
UpStage was presented at the ADA symposium, _Emerge_, in Dunedin NZ on 26 November. The family JeanRichard, from Switzerland, created a performance in UpStage which they presented live on 29 October, 10am western Europe time. The performance was called Life[2] and more information is available […]
2004 Summary
In December 2004, UpStage entered into a new server hosting partnership with Wellington internet provider CityLink. Read the full media release (Word document). Regular open sessions began in October, to give people the opportunity for a hands-on introduction to UpStage. Vicki Smith gave a presentation […]