Beta UpStage 2 Released

The beta version of UpStage 2 (UpStage 1.99) was released on Monday 30 April 2007.

This version contains many new features, as well as fixing bugs and enhancing the stability of the software.

New features include:

  • drawing: a palette of tools that allows players to draw on the stage in real time;
  • whispering: the ability to “whisper” between logged-in players, without the audience hearing;
  • thinking: unspoken thought bubbles to show your avatar’s inner thoughts;
  • splash screen: a screen with a welcome message covers the stage while it’s loading;
  • animated and multiframe avatars: create avatars as flash movies or multiple frames that you can switch between on stage with a keystroke.

Enhancements include:

  • more voices to choose from;
  • rollover labels for backdrops and prop icons in the stage tools;
  • general improvements to the workshop to make uploading new graphics and managing stages easier.

The beta version will be tested and debugged during May and June, in preparation for the launch ofUpStage 2 on 28 June, and the 070707 festival on 7 July. The manual has been updated to explain the new functionality.


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