December: Walk-through and Swaray

The next open walk-through will be on Wednesday 3 December (or Thursday 4th if you are in the front part of the world), and a Swaray will be held on Thursday 4th December.

The walk-through is for those of you who are new to UpStage and would like to learn the basic operation and features of the environment.

The Swaray is for those who already have some experience of UpStage, to get together and chat about UpStage, related projects, the concepts behind what we’re doing, and anything else we feel like – such as post 080808 thoughts, and thinking ahead to 090909 …

Open Walk-through: Wed 3 December, 8pm UK time; Thurs 4 December, 9am NZ time. Find your local time here and email to request a guest log-in.

Swaray: Thursday 4 December, 8am UK time, 9pm NZ time. Find your local time here.